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My Reflection

Citrus Fruits

Individual Reflection


I have really enjoyed learning about regeneration and conservation this semester. The Royal Docks site was a stimulating, yet complex project to focus our work around and the real-life challenges surrounding the site made our learning relatable. I found interest looking at the ranging regeneration principles and approaches, particularly towards the community-led and sustainable and holistic models. Studying plans like PEACH and The People’s Plan highlighted the importance of involving the community in decision-making so they have a say about what happens in the area where they live and work. Analysing relatable case studies and past plans for The Royal Docks site proved to be influential to my masterplan design as I was able to understand what past tactics worked well and which were less successful, but also the vast variety of ideas that has streamed through over the years of what do with the site influenced creativity.


Heritage preservation importance was empathised in throughout our lectures to connect with the important, historic identity of The Royal Docks which has shaped the Newham culture over the years. I enjoyed learning about different design strategies that could be implemented to conserve and protect heritage buildings or places, whilst meeting the needs of the area; for example, creating an architecture contrast between old and new. My masterplan design orientated around the heritage building that used to be a cafeteria for dockland workers, and I was stimulated to identify what type of design would maximise the visual appropriateness of this historic structure. I found the finance and legal systems aspect regarding historic buildings complex to understand.


My aspect of implementation was linking social and physical regeneration, and I found this topic interesting to discover the social and economic bridges needed to make this development successful. Designing my masterplan allowed me to be creative and I enjoyed spending time looking at what kind of social infrastructure would make The Royal Docks appropriate for all people, whilst meeting the needs of the community and national policy. Additionally, I found interest in looking various organisations that are available in East London to lower the levels of deprivation and poverty. The strategies were specific to the organisation’s objectives.

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Jade Sandy

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