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Masterplan Details

Visual Masterplan Explained

1. Sensory rich public park 

2. Bike storage area

3. Community mural wall

4. Converted shipping containers for pop-up shops and other events

5. Introducing a curved water walkway

6. Floating boat restaurants

7. Floating islands for allotment, public gardens and multifunctional spaces 

8. Bridges to connect the floating islands together to improve connectivity between spaces

9. Community allotment 

10. Vibrant and attractive walkway adjacent to ground floor commercial units of Phase 1. These units will include retail and community spaces

Allocated Masterplan Location

1-2500 map (a3) JPEG with Npoint to be uploaded with boundary line.jpg

Site Access Point

Heritage Building

Masterplan Site Boundary

1-10000 (A4) MAP JPEG with Npoint to be uploaded with boundary line.jpg
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Jade Sandy

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